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Our Programs:



Infant Program

(6 weeks to 1 Year)


Our infants get the individualized care that they need in our program. We offer one infant class that has two teachers and a maximum of five infants.

Over time our infants adapt to a scheduled routine which includes two naps, three feeding, and hours of tummy and back time. Our infants will learn how to roll over, sit up by themselves, grasp objects, crawl, and eventually even stand up by themselves. 

Our teachers will model a warm vocabulary, positive reinforcements, and will show plenty of love and affection.

Each infant will have his or her own crib and cubbie, and the room offers many different age-appropriate toys and objects to spark emerging curiosities and wonders of the world.















Toddler Program

(1 to 2 Years)


Our toddlers are given the opportinuty to explore all of the boundaries that once seemed foreign to them. As curious and eager individuals, our toddler program allows them to actively experience the walking, climbing, building, and exploring and by utilizing all five of their senses- touch, smell, taste, sight, and sound.

Our toddlers will be taught basic sign language to communicate their needs and will be encouraged to learn how to speak using words. Toddlers will also have a designated time each day to learn some words in Spanish! They will be introduced to letters, numbers, shapes, and colors and hear multiple stories and nursery rhymes throughout the day.

The teachers will model healthy social and emotional skills that will help your children to become well-mannered and well-rounded young individuals. Friendships will be made!




Nursery Program

(2 and 3 Year Olds)


As emergent learners, we allow our two and three-year-olds to continue to develop their independence and unfold their curiosity. Children are given Choice Time in specific Learning Centers that help to engage them socially and mentally. 

Our classrooms boast structure and routines that allow the children to eagerly anticipate the direction of their day.

Our children will take part in learning different exciting monthly themes and be exposed to new ideas and concepts that they will marvel in. They will continue to develop their ever-evolving social and emotional skills. Dramatic Play, Rhyming Words, Block Centers, Writing Centers, Circle Time and more!

Our young learners will be encouraged to connect and build upon previous experiences. They will be encouraged to write and create with either guided activities, such as letters and numbers, or freely draw whatever picture is in their imagination. Our teachers will provide experiments, such as science and cooking projects, that will capture the children's attention.

We will encourage children to potty train and help our children reach every age-appropriate physical and cognitive milestone!



Pre-Kindergarten Program

(4 Year Olds)


Free Universal Pre-K coming soon!

Currently we are not offering a pre-K class, but please check back soon!




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